When your pet starts to shed: everything you need to know

When your pet starts to shed: everything you need to know

Published December 11, 2018.
Mondou Academy
Mondou Academy
Mondou employee training specialist

The temperature is taking a turn, which means your cat or dog is getting ready for the change of season. This probably means you’ve discovered some hairballs under your couch. Not to worry: your house has not been infested with marmots. Your own pet is the clear culprit!

What is shedding?

Dogs who have an undercoat will shed their summer coat in autumn, to make way for their winter coat, and the same happens in spring when the winter guard hairs fall out to make way for the summer coat. The thickness of the fur also comes into play. Sled dogs and dogs from northern countries (huskyshiba inuNewfoundland) will lose a lot more fur than other shorthair and rough-coated breeds (pug, French bulldog, boston terrier).

The shedding cycle

There are a number of different types of coats, but all fur — including horsehair — have a lifecycle. The guard hair, downy hair and undercoat all grow from the same follicle. The fur of all undercoat breeds will grow, die, and then fall out, once and for all.

For fur-bearing pets with a heavy undercoat, the fur lifecycle lasts an average of 21 days. The fur grows (anagen stage), lives (catagen stage) and dies (telogen stage), before falling out. A number of factors contribute to shedding, including seasonal change, sun exposure, diet, hormonal issues, gestation, lactation, and more.

Cycle du poil

What to do when your pet is shedding

There are many types of brushes and combs adapted to your dog or cat's particular coat. Ask one of our in-store specialists — they’ll be happy to help you. You can also use a special anti-shed shampoo to bolster your brushing efforts at home. 

Having a special shedding treatment done by a groomer can also help with a lot of problems. These treatments are offered every season and can help drastically with your work at home. With the appropriate products, professional equipment suited to your pet’s breed and a high-velocity hair dryer, you can set your pet off on the right paw for the whole season!

Brossage du chien

What about clipping?

Please be advised that clipping a dog’s undercoat to prevent shedding is strongly discouraged. Your pet’s coat serves to regulate their thermal temperature as much for cold as for heat. Furthermore, in order to protect itself, your dog’s body will shed twice the amount of undercoat as before the clipping, and this will grow exponentially with each clipping. This can also be harmful for your pet’s overall health, particularly if they are in the process of fighting a virus, an illness or a tumour.

Brossage du chat

What about my little cat?

If you’ve got an indoor cat, they will shed throughout the year. For these cases, a simple metal comb is your best friend — especially if your cat is a longhair breed. If your cat has short hair, there are a number of rubber brushes and slickers that can do wonders.

Outdoor cats will follow the same shedding schedule as a dog, according to season, temperature, and outdoor light.

A trip to the groomer may be in order

Lastly, regardless of your pet’s breed or species, a good groomer who is aware of the latest trends will always be able to direct you towards the treatments that will get you through


Taking care of their coat :