How to keep your pets happy when company’s coming?

How to keep your pets happy when company’s coming?

Published November 23, 2023.
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Isabelle Borremans
Dog trainer and behavior consultant

The holiday season is a time for gathering together, and that includes our pets. Here are a few tips to help cats, dogs and humans enjoy the festivities together!

woman wearing a Christmas hat hugging a white dog

When the doorbell rings

Cats and dogs don't greet strangers the same way. Here's what you can do to make sure your pet stays calm and happy when you have company over the holidays.

Your cat and guests

Cats aren’t especially fond of the arrival of guests. Some are more timid, preferring to close themselves off in a quiet corner of the house with their litter box and their food. Knowing they won’t be bothered reduces a great deal of stress for cats.

However, if your cat is more sociable, you’ll have to establish some ground rules with the kids—and some adults—so they know to stay away when kitty retreats to another room or takes refuge in its cat tree. Knowing that it has a peaceful hideaway, your cat can safely withdraw when it wants to be left alone, instead of resorting to scratching.

If visitors bring treats and play with kitty, they’ll be much more welcome the next time they come around, as the cat will associate the visit with something pleasant and rewarding.

little girl playing with a tabby cat in a christmas setting

Your dog and guests

Most dogs rejoice at the sight of visitors, but some prefer to keep to themselves when guests arrive, choosing to retreat in a more confined area, like its cushion, a crate, a pen or a fenced-in area.

In many cases, the use of a leash can help to contain the emotions of an over-excited dog. A leash shouldn’t be used to tug on the animal but to keep it close so that you can get its attention. It often takes just a few minutes for your dog to calm down. You can then let go of the leash and eventually remove it completely. A leash allows you to welcome your guests as they arrive without having to worry about your dog jumping on everyone.

In any case, setting rules with your guests on how to interact with your dog is always a good idea, whether with children or adults.

Also read: How to handle your dog’s unpredictable reactions to strangers

When the party’s in full swing

It's party time. Here's what to look out for during the celebrations.

Decorations can be dangerous

Cats are often overlooked when it comes to the exciting moment of unwrapping presents. It’s important to keep them in mind when there are decorations around since it’s not uncommon for cats to swallow ribbons or decorative strings, which can lead to potentially fatal intestinal blockages.

Be sure to keep a garbage bucket handy for paper and gift wrappings or, better yet, avoid decorations such as ribbons and tinsel.

Managing gluttonous dogs

Dogs love presents too, but they prefer mealtimes even more! Food poisoning and indigestions are therefore very common during this time of year and are a risk for your pet.

For a problem-free evening, dole out its evening meal in separate portions instead of a single serving. You can also give your dog its supper in a feeding toy, which will occupy the dog and keep it from sniffing around the dinner table.

Some of your guests will probably sneak food to your dog. To make sure you don't lose control over what your dog eats during the evening, draw up a list of treats that are okay for your dog to eat, or prepare a bowl from which guests can pick to give them morsels. Table scraps should be avoided.

hand feeding a dog wearing reindeer antlers with a Christmas tree in the background

Gift ideas for cats and dogs

To stimulate and entertain your pet during the evening, plan ahead and fill his Christmas stocking with gifts that are both fun and rewarding.

For exemple, there are all kinds of interactive feeding toys and slow feeders for meals or treats. Spending twenty minutes eating out of such a bowl will distract your cat or dog from getting into mischief!

You can also buy a few colourful springs, catnip-filled mouse toys and a new cat teaser that your guests can use to play with and coax your kitten. A new cuddly toy, a bouncy chew toy or a bone to gnaw on will be toys that your pooch will appreciate and fall back on if they feel anxious during the evening.

Use this time to create wonderful memories with your pet. Above all, have a wonderful Holiday season!

Also read: 5 ways to keep your pets safe during the holidays

To keep your furry friend busy: